Saturday, November 9, 2013

Another Afterparty ARC Giveaway on Goodreads!

Dear Clueless,

My beloved publisher is graciously doing another Goodreads giveaway of the ARC of my new book.  Is it too self-promotional and icky to carry on about this on my blog?  Again.  Or perhaps constantly?

Promotionally Challenged

Dear Promo,

Yes.  Do it anyway.


And good grief, blog followers, this is actually relevant to my life because (!!!!!) Simon & Schuster is giving away 3 ARC's of Afterparty, in a Goodreads giveaway ending on Dec. 7, 2013, one month before the book is released.  Go win Afterparty!!!  (And, as your back-up, you could always preorder dozens and dozens of copies for your friends, neighbors, relatives near and far, underfunded library and letter carrier.)

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